Help your writers give up query fear and expand the new "industry standards"
Armed with new information, they'll kick their writing careers into high gear! |
Would your writing group benefit from a n agent/query FREE presentation with me?
Do you think "90 Minutes with Molli," crammed with query evaluations and insider agent information would help your writers move along their paths toward publication in 2017?
If so, you're in luck.
To kick off the New Year, I'm offering lively, on-line, virtual presentations, free of charge to writers groups.
Here's what's involved:
Your writers, at a prearranged time, turn on their computers. So far, so good.
They click on a preset link to bring them into a Zoom room. Thanks to Zoom technology, we gather in a virtual meeting room where we can see, hear, and interact with each other, just like we would if we were in a physical meeting room. (Except, since everybody is in their own homes, we can wear bunny slippers and sweats if we want to.)
SECTION BREAK RIGHT HERe to add the picture of the meeting room and another screen in the section below that shows screen share.
Anyone who has difficulty entering the Zoom room can request assistance from Zoom, where customer service people are standing by, 24/7.
For the next 90 minutes, I show your writers how to master a simple step that simplifies query writing.
Three of your writers, and you, will have their queries evaluated by me during the workshop. Thanks to screen share, everyone will be able to read thequeries are they are being evaluated.
Then, we'll move on to agent Q & A. I'll describe a short-cut method to locate reputable agents and how your writers can best structure their agent quests.
(From my years as a Time-Life and acquisitions editor, I've developed a technique that helps writers overcome their greatest query challenge: determining the core of their stories. By this I mean who wants what and why, why can't they have it, and the terrible "or else" that might occur if they don't get what they want.)
Here's what you'll receive:
add the video of the meeting for review so they don't have to take notes but can fully participate from beginning to end.
query template
select evaluations of queries from your members
new information about how to simplify query writing
agent insider information
list of agents actively seeking clients
Q & A throughout the meeting which is held in a Zoom meeting room. This exciting technology brings everyone into a virtual meeting room where we can see and hear and interact with each other.
Most important, your members will be learning about the query in the comfort of their own homes (in bunny slippers and pajamas if they prefer). A comfortable setting relaxes writers and helps them shed some of the discomfort that the work "query" creates in the hearts of every writer.
However, I am only available live, on-line, in a virtual meeting room. My presentation will help your members understand more about the query letter so they won't feel so nervous about having to write one. And, since we're all live at the same time, responses to Q & A and the evaluations make it seem as if we're all in the same physical space. There is no charge for this event. It can be scheduled during your regular meeting time (except your writers participate in front of their own computers in their homes), or at a mutually agreed upon time on another time. All writers share the same goal: to become published authors. What stands between them and author-hood is the learning curve between completed manuscript and agent acquisition.
Includes a query letter template and current list of agents looking for clients.
Since 2014, when the query submission process went digital, almost everything has changed. Except, the query letter. This 350-word document Today, query, synopsis, and sample manuscript pages are submitted in one email which is quickly read by the agent and just as quickly, deleted. Unless, the writer understands how to craft the query to engage agent interest and keep them scrolling down the screen of their computer, tables, or smart phone to rea
very loooong email. (No attachments).
The only thing that hasn't changed,
NOTE: include send them all query template:
Writers attend the live, virtual workshop in bunny slippers and at home. It feels like we're all in the same place because the classroom includes everyone who to share ideas and ask questions as they come up. The computer (or smart phone) screen shifts and changes as writers add their two bits to the conversation.
We set a date and time, depending on what works with your people, and then I set it allup with Zoom (the program I use to host workshop/classes/webinars).
I'll email you a set-in-cement of parameters for query submissions to possibly be evaluated. Everything comes to you, and you cut and paste the queries into one very loooong email to me. I select the queries to be evaluated, based on the potential for greatest learning, weave together the presentation using screen share so everybody can see the documents as we move through the evaluations. Just like a physical classroom.
I also include Q&A in re agents, along with research and submission tips.
in a 90 minute workshop, I typically evaluate four query letters, and engage the writers in a critique discussion about each one.
As fearless leader, your query will be evaluated. It's your reward for being willing to "herd the cats" as you manage the submission of the queries.
I will send you the email with links and instructions for how to download Zoom (three clicks) and enter the workshop. It's not complicated.
Caryn, there is no limit to how many writers can participate, so you can contact as many of the folks in your writing world as you'd like to.The only requirement for any/all of them is that they register to save a space.
I'm looking forward to working with on this special workshop for your writers.
The process of shifting my teaching processes to a virtual format is challenging, not the teaching part, but the techie stuff. I love working in the digital world, meeting and assisting writers from all over the planet, something I never could have done without the internet and ongoing technical development. It's a whole new world.
Do you think "90 Minutes with Molli," crammed with query evaluations and insider agent information would help your writers move along their paths toward publication in 2017?
If so, you're in luck.
To kick off the New Year, I'm offering lively, on-line, virtual presentations, free of charge to writers groups.
Here's what's involved:
Your writers, at a prearranged time, turn on their computers. So far, so good.
They click on a preset link to bring them into a Zoom room. Thanks to Zoom technology, we gather in a virtual meeting room where we can see, hear, and interact with each other, just like we would if we were in a physical meeting room. (Except, since everybody is in their own homes, we can wear bunny slippers and sweats if we want to.)
SECTION BREAK RIGHT HERe to add the picture of the meeting room and another screen in the section below that shows screen share.
Anyone who has difficulty entering the Zoom room can request assistance from Zoom, where customer service people are standing by, 24/7.
For the next 90 minutes, I show your writers how to master a simple step that simplifies query writing.
Three of your writers, and you, will have their queries evaluated by me during the workshop. Thanks to screen share, everyone will be able to read thequeries are they are being evaluated.
Then, we'll move on to agent Q & A. I'll describe a short-cut method to locate reputable agents and how your writers can best structure their agent quests.
(From my years as a Time-Life and acquisitions editor, I've developed a technique that helps writers overcome their greatest query challenge: determining the core of their stories. By this I mean who wants what and why, why can't they have it, and the terrible "or else" that might occur if they don't get what they want.)
Here's what you'll receive:
add the video of the meeting for review so they don't have to take notes but can fully participate from beginning to end.
query template
select evaluations of queries from your members
new information about how to simplify query writing
agent insider information
list of agents actively seeking clients
Q & A throughout the meeting which is held in a Zoom meeting room. This exciting technology brings everyone into a virtual meeting room where we can see and hear and interact with each other.
Most important, your members will be learning about the query in the comfort of their own homes (in bunny slippers and pajamas if they prefer). A comfortable setting relaxes writers and helps them shed some of the discomfort that the work "query" creates in the hearts of every writer.
However, I am only available live, on-line, in a virtual meeting room. My presentation will help your members understand more about the query letter so they won't feel so nervous about having to write one. And, since we're all live at the same time, responses to Q & A and the evaluations make it seem as if we're all in the same physical space. There is no charge for this event. It can be scheduled during your regular meeting time (except your writers participate in front of their own computers in their homes), or at a mutually agreed upon time on another time. All writers share the same goal: to become published authors. What stands between them and author-hood is the learning curve between completed manuscript and agent acquisition.
Includes a query letter template and current list of agents looking for clients.
Since 2014, when the query submission process went digital, almost everything has changed. Except, the query letter. This 350-word document Today, query, synopsis, and sample manuscript pages are submitted in one email which is quickly read by the agent and just as quickly, deleted. Unless, the writer understands how to craft the query to engage agent interest and keep them scrolling down the screen of their computer, tables, or smart phone to rea
very loooong email. (No attachments).
The only thing that hasn't changed,
NOTE: include send them all query template:
Writers attend the live, virtual workshop in bunny slippers and at home. It feels like we're all in the same place because the classroom includes everyone who to share ideas and ask questions as they come up. The computer (or smart phone) screen shifts and changes as writers add their two bits to the conversation.
We set a date and time, depending on what works with your people, and then I set it allup with Zoom (the program I use to host workshop/classes/webinars).
I'll email you a set-in-cement of parameters for query submissions to possibly be evaluated. Everything comes to you, and you cut and paste the queries into one very loooong email to me. I select the queries to be evaluated, based on the potential for greatest learning, weave together the presentation using screen share so everybody can see the documents as we move through the evaluations. Just like a physical classroom.
I also include Q&A in re agents, along with research and submission tips.
in a 90 minute workshop, I typically evaluate four query letters, and engage the writers in a critique discussion about each one.
As fearless leader, your query will be evaluated. It's your reward for being willing to "herd the cats" as you manage the submission of the queries.
I will send you the email with links and instructions for how to download Zoom (three clicks) and enter the workshop. It's not complicated.
Caryn, there is no limit to how many writers can participate, so you can contact as many of the folks in your writing world as you'd like to.The only requirement for any/all of them is that they register to save a space.
I'm looking forward to working with on this special workshop for your writers.
The process of shifting my teaching processes to a virtual format is challenging, not the teaching part, but the techie stuff. I love working in the digital world, meeting and assisting writers from all over the planet, something I never could have done without the internet and ongoing technical development. It's a whole new world.
The purpose of this email is to tell you that I'm now teaching virtual/live customized query workshops to FWA writers' critique groups, no charge. During my 90-minute workshop, presented from a Zoom virtual classroom, I present the query overview, then evaluate three or four of query letters from group members, invitecontinueal andfinish with a discussion of best practices in launching the agent quest. Q & A, non-stop. This fires writers up to jump into the query learning curve, even if they aren't quite ready to launch their agent quests.
Would a virtual query workshop be of value to your writers? If I can help them move forward on their quests to land an agent who will guide them through the publishing maze, let's talk. Contact me and we'll discuss how to structure a virtual workshop for your group.
Regardless, write on! May the words be with you!.
Would a virtual query workshop be of value to your writers? If I can help them move forward on their quests to land an agent who will guide them through the publishing maze, let's talk. Contact me and we'll discuss how to structure a virtual workshop for your group.
Regardless, write on! May the words be with you!.
Thank you for your interest in a complimentary, 60 - 90 minute query letter workshop for your critique group. We'll be using Zoom, technology which creates a live, virtual workshop in which all participants can see and hear each other. Using "screenshare," the query letters being evaluated will be shown on screen so everyone can read them as I make comments (and write on) each one. Almost as good as being together in the same room.
First-time Zoom users need to download the program to their computers. This takes three clicks.
Here's a link to a Zoom video which explains their process.
First-time Zoom users need to download the program to their computers. This takes three clicks.
Here's a link to a Zoom video which explains their process.
The process
Thanks for your email.
I'm opting for the 2 PM meeting time On December 8. We'll spend approximately 90 minutes together.
I'll evaluate three queries and leave time for Q& A and a discussion about agents.
Since you are the leader of your band of writers, please ask your gang to send their queries to you, then you submit them to me in one loooooong email. I'll take it from there.
Here's the format for the query submission.
Writer's name and email address.
Title and genre of their manuscript.
Their story core (something new for all of them).
Answer each question with one sentence each, using no more than 15 words in response to each question.
1: Who is your protagonist ( main character)
2. What does your protagonist want? (goal)
3. Why do they want this?
4. What blocks them, or stands in their way? (obstacle)
5. What is the terrible "or else" that might occur if they don't get what they want? (resolution tease)
Their query letter (maximum of 350 words)
I'll select three queries based on the greatest opportunity to use them as examples .in how to write an effective query. Might have time to at least comment on the ones which are not evaluated in depth.
I'll make a video of the meeting available so your members don't have to take #notes, but can join in by listening fully and participate with their questions and/or comments.
We'll be using Zoom as the host of our live classroom. I'll send you more info on how your members can sign in by downloading zoom (easy three click process) onto their computers. It's not complicated, plus Zoom has customer service 24/7 for any writers struggling to open into the classroom. As soon as the date becomes set in cement (so to speak), I'll send you the Zoom invitation (with meeting #) and instructions, and we'll be good to go.
We'll all be on camera, make it easy for us to chat with and see each other.
Do you have any questions?
Thanks for your email.
I'm opting for the 2 PM meeting time On December 8. We'll spend approximately 90 minutes together.
I'll evaluate three queries and leave time for Q& A and a discussion about agents.
Since you are the leader of your band of writers, please ask your gang to send their queries to you, then you submit them to me in one loooooong email. I'll take it from there.
Here's the format for the query submission.
Writer's name and email address.
Title and genre of their manuscript.
Their story core (something new for all of them).
Answer each question with one sentence each, using no more than 15 words in response to each question.
1: Who is your protagonist ( main character)
2. What does your protagonist want? (goal)
3. Why do they want this?
4. What blocks them, or stands in their way? (obstacle)
5. What is the terrible "or else" that might occur if they don't get what they want? (resolution tease)
Their query letter (maximum of 350 words)
I'll select three queries based on the greatest opportunity to use them as examples .in how to write an effective query. Might have time to at least comment on the ones which are not evaluated in depth.
I'll make a video of the meeting available so your members don't have to take #notes, but can join in by listening fully and participate with their questions and/or comments.
We'll be using Zoom as the host of our live classroom. I'll send you more info on how your members can sign in by downloading zoom (easy three click process) onto their computers. It's not complicated, plus Zoom has customer service 24/7 for any writers struggling to open into the classroom. As soon as the date becomes set in cement (so to speak), I'll send you the Zoom invitation (with meeting #) and instructions, and we'll be good to go.
We'll all be on camera, make it easy for us to chat with and see each other.
Do you have any questions?