On Demand . . .
You can master the query-synopsis-first page submission process. The following transcripts and videos of past AgentQuery Submission Central workshop/webinars will help you discover what you need to create to land an agent.
Note: Submission materials evaluated in every workshop are submitted by members of Submission Central.
(Non-members are invited to observe the workshops and make comments/ask questions.)
PS: Join us (for a low monthly fee) and take advantage of membership perks which include ongoing one-on-one document evaluations, access t0 Q&A (24/7) in our private Facebook group, and a new tutorial every month. Pay by the month. Stay as long or as short as you want until your submission package is ready to help you get what you want: agent, book contract, and shelf space at Barnes and Noble.
CLICK HERE for more information about the Submission Central program.
Note: Submission materials evaluated in every workshop are submitted by members of Submission Central.
(Non-members are invited to observe the workshops and make comments/ask questions.)
PS: Join us (for a low monthly fee) and take advantage of membership perks which include ongoing one-on-one document evaluations, access t0 Q&A (24/7) in our private Facebook group, and a new tutorial every month. Pay by the month. Stay as long or as short as you want until your submission package is ready to help you get what you want: agent, book contract, and shelf space at Barnes and Noble.
CLICK HERE for more information about the Submission Central program.
VIDEO for November 4 workshop.
TOPIC: Simplify writing your synopsis. Query evaluations. VIDEO for October 28th workshop.
TOPIC: Query (focus on 3rd paragraphs) evaluations. Pitching practice. VIDEO for October 21st workshop.
TOPIC: How to write your third paragraph. Plus evaluation of members' queries, top to bottom. VIDEO for October 14th workshop.
TOPIC: how to write the query second paragraph and tie it into your first paragraph using a tease. VIDEO for October 7th workshop
TOPIC: how to structure email SUBJECT line. Query first paragraph evaluations. Click on the lower arrows of the video frame to enlarge the screen. Hit Esc to reduce the video size. TRANSCRIPT from AgentQuery Submission Central introductory webinar, September 24, 2016. Bonus: Meet five writers who share their submission trials and triumphs as they land agents and move closer to becoming published authors.
TRANSCRIPT of November 4 workshop.
TRANSCRIPT of October 28, 2016 workshop.
TRANSCRIPT of October 21, 2016 workshop.
TRANSCRIPT of October 14, 2016 workshop.
TRANSCRIPT of October 7, 2016 workshop.