If you're finally ready to master the query submission process, this special offer gives you the help you need!
These three tutorials are designed to help you learn how to create a query submission (query, synopsis, and sample pages) that agents will open and read, beginning to end.
When your submission email is opened, your query letter is first to be read. Hopefully, it's formatted to current industry standards.
Your query first paragraph must tell the agent what they want to know: the core of your story. Who wants what, what stands in their way, and the terrible "or else" that might occur if they don't get what they want.
If these vital elements are not in your first paragraph, most likely the agent will take a latte break after they "CLICK" and send your submission to delete-ville. Yikes!
. . . from author Nancy Cavanaugh Molli, "RATCHET" wouldn't be on the shelf at Barnes and Noble without you and your query letter know how!
You can learn to write a slam-dunk query letter. My information-laden tutorial makes this task much easier than you may have thought. Good news, the query tutorial is included in the Triple Whammy Special Offer.
The second portion of your query submission is the 350-word synopsis that reveals the full story from beginning to middle to end.
Instead of writing your synopsis like you might have in the days of snail mail, take advantage of current industry standards and reveal more of your story. Tell more about what's going on in your protagonist's inner and outer world as they deal with the challenge(s) that blocks them from getting what they want.
. . . from Miriam Goodspeed, author of "Mirrors Within Mirrors." The "5 -Step Synopsis Solution" is a useful and enjoyable read filled with pertinent facts about writing the "dreaded" novel synopsis. The tutorial and template show 'n tells writers how to craft a synopsis that motivates agents to read, and then ask for more.
If you're not clear what the new industry standards are, not to worry. My synopsis tutorial includes a template, and evaluated examples, to show you what to put where and why.Good news,the synopsis tutorial is included in the Triple Whammy Special Offer.
Last, but not least~ Edit your query, synopsis, and sample pages to make certain they don't contain "red-flag" words.
These rascals, often overlooked, can cause you to be labeled incorrectly as a "writing rookie." Your work could be condemned as being unworthy of publication. No writer wants that!
. . . from author and FWA writers' group leader, David Edmonds: Molli's mini-tutorial is easy to read and use. Every wannabe novelist should use it. I've recommended it to the writers in my critique group.
My 7-page mini-tutorial contains a list of the 35 worst red-flag words. It also includes a Search-Mark-Revise technique to help you locate and eliminate red-flag words before you begin the submission process. Good news, the red-flag mini-tutorial is included in the Triple Whammy Special Offer.
All three for $27.
Purchased separately, they would total $41 (instead of only $27).
54-pages of vital information, examples, exercises, and templates to help you discover what goes where and why in your query and synopsis and how to remove red-flag words from your work.
Act now! Even if you're not quite ready to begin your query quest, grab these three tutorials before this special offer goes away.
Then practice BIC (Butt in Chair). Sit yourself down to write and revise your query and synopsis as if your writing career depended on them (which it does).
Make this your $ummer of $uccess! Increase your potential to land an agent, book contract, and shelf space at Barnes and Noble, and order these . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . from author C. Flood Molli Nickell is a writers' alloy. She melds writers to agents.