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Home of Agent/Query Submission Central
As of Nov 28, all available spaces are filled. However, you can join AgentQuery Submission Central on a month-to-month basis. Stay as long or as short as you need. CLICK HERE for more information.
BLACK FRIDAY special offer . . . is closed as of 11/28. Here's what you missed!
Right now, you can join Agent/Query Submission Central for one month (30 days) and save $21.
Regular membership is $57 per month. Until Wednesday, November 30th, the cost for a 30-day membership is only $36. Your one-month, limited membership (fiction writers only) includes:
Do you think four workshops and progress evaluations will propel your query from zero to hero? You betcha. Take advantage of this Early BLACK FRIDAY special offer, right now before the available spaces are gone . . . gone . . . gone . . . Thanks for your interest.
I look forward to helping you achieve your goals of agent, book contract, and shelf space at Barnes and Noble. |
This AgentQuery Submission Central Workshop meets four (4) times to help you progress your query-writing skills.
During each live workshop, we'll be able to chat with each other. thanks to Zoom technology.
Every class member will read the query letters (along with me) as I evaluate and ask for questions and/or comments from group members. Workshops are scheduled on Tuesdays, from 1 to 3:30 PM Eastern, on January 10, 17, 24, and 31st. (If you can't attend, full transcripts and videos will be available.) You'll receive a query template and instructions on how and where to submit your first draft for initial evaluation before the first Zoom workshop on January 10 at 1 PM Eastern. If you'd like more information about AgentQuery Submission Central activities, CLICK HERE. Using the query techniques Molli teaches, I took the direct approach
and pitched my manuscripts, then signed contracts with two publishers (one for poetry and another for novels) I met at a writers' conference. . . . from Fran Orenstein prolific author of 13 books Molli’s an amazing speaker and writing expert. At our Tampa Writers’ Alliance Query Workshop, she read (out loud) and evaluated our queries on the spot. Each of us received valuable insight about what worked and what didn’t. Every writer benefited from the personal attention and encouragement she gave us.
. . . from Sandra Kischuk, Tampa Writers' Alliance leader |