What am exciting time to be a writer. The book publishing business continues to change and expand as e-book sales increase and brick 'n mortar bookstores decrease in number. Book publishers are adjusting their strategies to expand into new markets as they adapt to the digital age.
Three paths to becoming published~ Well-written manuscripts (fiction and non-fiction) continue to be in demand. This hasn't changed. However, the process has changed, big time. 1) You can opt to locate an agent to represent you. 2) You can go it alone and meet editors (publishers' representatives) at writers' conferences and pitch your project to them face-to-face. 3) You can pursue the path of self publishing. Telling to selling~ Without a doubt, the most important learning curve in the process of getting published continues to focus on you, the writer, mentally shifting from “telling” to “selling." This makes a world of difference when you present yourself and your work to the industry professionals you need to help you move toward your goal of becoming published. If you decide to self-publish, selling also becomes a major focus as you become the force behind marketing your project. Information on all three options, particularly on the traditional path, fills the pages of this website. My advice is based on 35 years of experience in the biz as a Time-Life editor, author, and publisher. Your first step will be to locate an agent or publisher~ To accomplish this, you first must master writing a query letter first. Next, build on your query writing skills to craft a one-page synopsis, and an enticing manuscript first page. Your newly gained (or expanded) skills will improve your odds of walking into Barnes and Noble and spotting your book sitting on the “best seller” display table. If you want to self-publish, I can help~ Thanks to technology, self-publishing opportunities expand. In 2012, over 230,000 writers published their work in e-book form, through P.O.D (Print-on-Demand), or by hiring an independent company to manufacture (print) their books. Regardless of the method utilized, self-publishing requires broad knowledge about typesetting, cover design, page layout, as well as marketing/promotion. Do you need help getting your career going? Currently, I’m offering a reduced-fee "Jump-Start” consultation program to help you learn how to apply selling techniques to your marketing documents (query, synopsis, first page). The program includes one-on-one phone time with me as well as written evaluation if desired. Your consultation also can be devoted to evaluation of your project, pitch practice, and/or a discussion of the potentials and pitfalls of self-publishing. Your choice. Also available, a "mini" jump-start--a 30-minute phone consultation to fine tune whatever you need. For more information, click here for Writer’s Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Testimonials~
Hi there,
I'm Molli Nickell, a publisher turned publishing consultant with one goal in mind: to help you get published! Do yourself a favor and read every page of this site to gain awareness of what you need to learn in order to get yourself published. Thanks for dropping by. I look forward to helping you get published. Write on! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FREE tutorial and Query Workbook~
Join my mailing list and receive a FREE tutorial, "25 REALLY Dumb Query Letter MistRakes" and a FREE copy of my 39-page "Query Letter, Sales-Pitch Tutorial." BTW: Your email address will never be shared or sold. I double pinkie promise! |