Looking for a dynamic speaker for your next conference?
"When the rules of getting published don't work, break 'um and get published anyhow" is the topic of my 20-minute keynote speech.
The story behind this topic involves my frustration at not being able to locate the right agent. So, I did what I never, ever, ever advise writers to do. I began to contact publishers directly.
And it worked. I received an offer from HarperCollins but rejected it.
So now I'm epublishing my book, setting up my own marketing and moving ahead at warp speed. My topic? Political. The market: 30 to 40 American Grandmothers. The title," Pissed off but not packin'. . . Granny's going to a tea party,"
Your members may be interested in how, if they are stuck, and unable to capture the interest of an agent, they do have other options. Some that work.
Speaking/teaching activities from last year, 2010/11. Florida Writers Association yearly conference. Lake Mary, Oct., 21-22 (My favorite conference! Great classes, fabulous people and outta sight food!) All-day workshop/intensive on Thursday, Oct. 21 Writing a query letter that works. 9-12 AM Afternoon session focuses on The Pitch. 1-5 PM. Friday, October 22, Synopsis workshop One-on-one meetings consultations writers who want to practice their pitch before meeting with an agent or editor. New Port Ritchey April 11, 2010.Workshop 90-minute hands-on workshop: writing the synopsis. For more information Query Letter WorkshopMarch 6th, sponsored by the FWA Wesley Chapel Branch meeting at the Sawgrass Mall, Barnes & Noble Bookstore. Query Letter Workshop February 6th, 1:30 to 3:30 PM, sponsored by Pinowar Writers' Group, Largo (Florida) Recreation Center. Open to the public. $10 per person. How to Get Published February 16, 6:30 to 7:50 PM, East Lake Library, Palm Harbor, FL
Additional presentations and workshops Instead of Shooting Yourself in the Foot, Get it in the Door During this humorous presentation (20 to 45 minutes) I tell writers how they can: o stand out from the competition. o avoid the dreaded “amateur” label. o make the mind shift from "selling" to "telling." o write query letters that motivate agents or editors to request a manuscript submission. INTENSIVE WORKSHOPS Four-to-seven-hour Intensive workshops can be structured to meet the needs of your members. Topics include writing the query letter, synopsis, first pages, and pitching to agents or editors. Intensives provide an excellent method of no-risk, fund raising that can generate positive cash flow to cover costs of bringing in additional speakers to augment your conference faculty. WORKSHOP/BREAKOUT TOPICS THE #1 SECRET OF SUCCESSFUL QUERIES: How to apply a "secret" technique to increase the odds of receiving a submission request. PITCH PERFECT:Get the Yes! Terror-free, face-to-face pitching. Learn how to apply query-letter selling techniques while describing a manuscript to an agent/editor/publisher. FIRST PAGES:On-the-spot evaluation of manuscript first pages with positive feedback and writing exercises. Free presentations (two hour) workshops available to mid-Florida writing groups TOPICS INCLUDE, but are not limited to: oWhat agents and publishers want from writers oUpdate on the publishing biz from an insider's perspective. o On-the-spot query and/or first page evaluations. oShifting from "telling" to "selling" oCrafting a compelling manuscript first page oGet the YES! Terror-free, face-to-face pitching oSeven Steps to get yourself published! oGo Schizo! How to transition from being a creative writer to becoming an effective (and creative) sales person. For more information on organizing a private / customized workshop for your group Contact Me CLICK HERE to return to the top CLICK HERE for the Online Academy Classroom Directory (HOME)
Molli worked with us creatively to find a way to bring her to our conference at no additional charge to us. She presented our first-ever Friday intensive the day before our Fall Conference. The intensive sold out with several on a waiting list. Molli received rave reviews about the intensive and also on her conference workshops. I highly recommend her. Jo S. Kittinger, Co-Regional Advisor, Southern Breeze SCBWI
Tonight's "Perfecting Your Pitch" was one of the most productive workshops FWA Tampa has ever hosted. We learned that we ain't near to pitching perfect yet, but we also learned how to get there. Really valuable stuff. Thanks Molli. Kaye Coppersmith, Wordsworth Editing and member, Florida Writer's Association
Molli, can't begin to thank you for the fabulous Publishing Workshop you gave my students today. Your professional attitude, combined with your marvelous sense of humor, kept the students talking even beyond the class this afternoon. Ned Johnson, Instructor,Tarpon Springs Campus, St. Petersburg College